
由本公司透過手機App獲得並保存與閣下有關的任何資料,均受到《個人資 料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)的規管。閣下明白及同意,閣下向 本公司提供的一切個人資料,包括: 電郵、電話號碼、密碼、姓名、出生日期 、性別、地址 均為閣下自願提供。
本公司對個人資料的保護和保安極為重視。本公司嚴格遵守有關私隱的法律 的規限,並謹此羅列有關收集和使用個人資料的性質、範圍和目的。
本公司從閣下獲得的個人資料,只會用於加強閣下使用手機App提供的服務 。
本公司使用技術和組織性保安措施來保護閣下提供的數據,以防止未經授權 的人士無意或故意地操縱、丟失、損壞或到取。如果收集並處理了個人資料 ,則會以加密形式傳輸信息,以防止第三方濫用數據。本公司的保安措施會 根據技術發展不斷更新。
本公司確認,與手機App共用閣下個人資料的任何第三方將提供與本文所述 相同或相等的用戶資料保護。
在沒有相反的法律要求前提下,本公司只會在有需要執行閣下要求或同意的 服務時儲存閣下的個人資料。如果閣下認為本公司處理的與閣下相關的個人 資料過時或不正確,閣下有權審閱和更正該等個人資料。閣下也可以撤銷有 關使用閣下的個人資料的同意及/或要求刪除該等個人資料。如有此等需要, 請聯絡本公司之電話39564610或 電郵hkmjcompany@gmail.com

Privacy Policy

Any information related to you and obtained and kept by the Company through the Mobile App is governed by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong). You understand and agree consent that all personal data provided to us by you, including email address, telephone number, password, name, date of birth, sex(gender), address is provided voluntarily.
The protection and security of personal data is a high priority for the Company. The Company strictly observes the restrictions of privacy law and now sets out the nature, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data.
The personal data that the Company collects from you shall only be used to enhance your use of the services provided under the Mobile App.
The Company uses technical and organisational security measures to protect your provided data against inadvertent or deliberate manipulation, loss, damage or access by unauthorised individuals. If personal data is collected and processed, the information shall be transmitted in an encrypted form to protect the data against abuse by third parties. Our security measures are updated on an ongoing basis in accordance with technological developments.
The Company confirms that any third party with whom the Mobile App shares your personal data will provide the same or equal protection of user data as stated herein.
The Company shall store your personal data only for as long as is necessary to perform the services requested by yourself or to which you have given your consent, provided that no legal requirement exists to the contrary. You have the right to review and rectify all personal data relating to yourself that is processed by the Company if you believe such data is out of date or incorrect. You may also revoke consent to the use of your personal data and/or request deletion of the same. Please contact us at phone number 39564610 or email hkmjcompany@gmail.com for this purpose.